Resources and More
Deuteronomy 6:7 "Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
I want to impress value on children. I want to encourage others to impress value on children. Will you please join me?
As your foster parent coach, I will help you improve your home, relationships, and fostering journey. Foster parent coaching can improve your happiness, joy, peace, and mission acquisition.
This is no ordinary foster care podcast! I’ll feature Foster care discussions about REAL issues that foster parents have. And…. Learn how to be the most professional foster parent and affect the system, the bio parents, and the children in your home.
Find scripts, resource lists, checklists, eBooks, and much more. New content is added periodically.
Find out how to become more professional while also providing the needs of the child. Gain insight into a system that is broken but needs you – yes, you! Foster care is one of the hardest callings. Will you prepare your heart, soul, mind, and strength for such a time as this? Children are in limbo and need you to be the bridge between now and the rest of their life! The call is urgent. Will you answer it? Will you answer it wholeheartedly? Will you answer it lovingly? Will you answer it professionally? Sign up today to find out when it will be officially released.